Spring has well and truly sprung and we hope you are having fun.
Look who features on Jo's new comedy show poster. Yes, it's 'Jelly Dog' inspiration, AKA Sky, on Jo's head. Painted and created by our very own illustrator extraordinaire - Phillip Price.

Jo will be performing her latest stand up comedy show PECULIAR in central London this Saturday 6th April 7pm at the splendid Museum of Comedy.
What better way to kick off the Easter holidays?
Jo will then be heading off to be Peculiar at the Brighton Fringe Festival for three nights in May.
Click below image to read Jo's interview by comedy blogger John Fleming:
We are super excited to announce that we are planning to release not one but TWO new books this year. A new book of fourteen funny verses will be on its way very soon. The title is...oh wait... it's a surprise! Plus we have a second Molly, Chip and the Chair adventure in the pipeline too, here's a clue...it's out of this world.
Do take a moment to check out the new REVIEWS page on our website to see what parents, teachers and, of course, children have to say about our books and school visits. Here's the latest review on our Facebook page from last week:

This Easter why not give your children a beautiful, funny book as a healthy Easter treat?
As usual you can catch us signing books at stunning Greenwich Market most weekends throughout the year. Come and say hi or order online anytime via our ONLINE SHOP
Hope to see you soon.
Custard Towers